Zoe's bedroom, Athens Greece

Δe ar studio / de-ar-studio.com / Efthymios Dougkas architecture studio / Ευθύμιος Δούγκας αρχιτεκτονική / Zoe's bedroom-tatami furniture, Athens Greece / 2010 photo collage concept
Δe ar studio / de-ar-studio.com / Efthymios Dougkas architecture studio / Ευθύμιος Δούγκας αρχιτεκτονική / Zoe's bedroom-tatami furniture, Athens Greece / 2010 isometric extruded concept

The third dimension is introduced to the Japanese tatami unit logic.

What started as a renovation of a friend’s room and as a selection of new furniture to accommodate her needs, became finally a furniture design project. The idea was to design a module that could be combined in different ways in order to respond to different needs, at different occasions.

The basic group consists of five furniture units, which can be configured as a sleeping area(double or single bed),  a sitting area(linear benches, sofa) and as storage units (with storage area in the form of an open shelf or a drawer). Easy to pack mattresses are stacked in layers to provide comfort.

Δe ar studio / de-ar-studio.com / Efthymios Dougkas architecture studio / Ευθύμιος Δούγκας αρχιτεκτονική / Zoe's bedroom-tatami furniture, Athens Greece / 2010 

2010 Architect  Efthymios Dougkas